Steam Net Unreal 5 Project

Aloha! Simply put, this is just the project files for the Blueprint Multiplayer tutorial from Epic Games for Unreal Engine ver4.11 updated to ver.5.0.1

This project has been updated to the best of my abilities for the current version of UE5. The idea was to share with the kids so they could build games together. This little setup uses the Steam online subsystem, which requires a Steam account to use Online multiplayer capabilities. While at the same time requires the exact same copy of the project to connect to each other.


What is the Unreal Engine?

Take a trip to the Unreal Portal.


Learn something unreal!

Quick link to Unreal’s learning portal.


Get started with Unreal Engine

Build something Unreal!

Well… lets get started!

How to find yourself access to these project files. Well there will be 2 sets of files the same project, 4.27 and 5.0.1. Files for 4.27 will be shared on Github, where as files for 5.0.1 will be shared through a Perforce Server exclusively to Maui county public school students for the time being.