Homeless in Hawaii

An interactive experience to life as a Natorator

My brother gifted me this highly detailed terrain mesh of the island of Maui, which inspired me to tell my story. Living in a van for 4 years on the island of Maui while teaching kite-surfing and doing who knows what else to make it… richly inspired by the trials and tribulations of da north-shore.

While exploring her beauty, I couldn’t help but to think of the community that lives here. The No.9 project has always been about the concepts of belonging and acceptance, this is something that we offer each other as a community. Since our mission is to empower the individual with rich personal growth experiences on the road map to self-actualization. I see before me a grand venue to assist with achieving this goal.

A space… a wonderful tapestry to tell stories, play games, share events. This should be place where someone can come dream. Dream of where they might go, what they might do… the sky should be the limit with and unlimited horizon. It could exist in any time… so it could tell all the stories. The stories of the past, present and the future. It could be a place to visit for a VR surf report weather you’re in Paia or Pensacola. A way to watch your high school football team when your on another Island, as well as a way to support them with a subscription to the content that they have built to share with you.

This will be built by the children, it should be a means to introduce new technology to our community with a long term benefit to all. Perhaps an avenue to create new jobs for those that have none, a project such as this encompasses a wide variety of skill sets. New skills, old skills, enough for everyone to learn a little something. The potential for eCommerce is out of this world, with a shopping experience that could open new avenues for those that have none, as well as to those that want to provide a more interesting or compelling experience to their visitor. Advertising opportunities like never seen before, or imagined.

One of the most beautiful aspects of this project, besides all the entertainment and convenience it could create. The fact that it is subject to all the normal taxes for the state of Hawaii and Maui county. Every monetary involvement will positively affect our community.