We are Ambassadors


Nathan Smith, independent Sports instructor and guide. Badass extraordinaire, because I care. Aside from my career of exploiting and conquering fears, I give… uncontrollably and unconditionally. For whatever reason I’m on a quest of selflessness to understand love… it’s what seems right.

My purpose in life must be something to do with doing what’s right… with no regrets… I suppose that’s everyone’s purpose in their own way, yeah? So to be the best me I can be, regardless of the circumstances. Wander the world with a childlike curiosity, with a kind innocence in reasoning of right and wrong. Setting the best example for myself, my family and my community.

In three years I see myself in the third phase of “number 9” non-for profit concept of realizing dreams. It’s a Neverland approach to addressing some problems, more importantly a frame work for others to follow and precedent set so they know it’s OK.

What makes me different is I give it back… where others find desperation, I find reason… we collide there….

My aim at affecting culture is through individual empowerment. The concept “it’s OK to be you” and the idea “it’s OK to work on you” encouraging tools such as kindness and belonging… However, free from the marketing of greed and ego based gain, to personal gain with the experiences that add to the quality life. Our marketing holds concepts that we want you to believe you can too, that you can be your own superhero when you choose to. We want to empower you.

My concept revolves around the under-served and the dreamer… by offering scholarships for our activities and services, we’ll leave nobody behind due to the lack of financial ability. It’s all challenge by choice, and if you can give… you should, and if you can’t, we have a little you can take… it’s about being the best ones self for everyone. Due to this location and the people involved, bridges can be made. As well as an influence on an international level in both business and community, across many different venues.